Thursday, January 27, 2011

What did you do today?

When I woke up this morning I figured it would be just like any other day. Read, work with a translator, eat lunch, check my email, hang out with some friends, the usual. Little did I know what was in store...

India is known for its movie industry. It puts out more films in a year than any other country. Last year there were over 100 movies released in just the Hindi division, better known as Bollywood. Other Indian divisions such as Tamil, Bengali, and Telugu have put out similar numbers. Visakhapatnam is a fairly large city and one of the major sea ports. It is used quite often as a shooting location because of its beaches, mountains, and city landscape. 

As I was working with my translator this morning I received word that there was a movie being shot not too far from my house. So naturally I grabbed my two best girl friends and my translator, hailed a rickshaw, and rushed on down to the park they were shooting. I expected very little. Of course we weren't really going to see anything. Right? Wrong!

There was no type of security so we just walked into the park and my translator started asking people who the director was and where we could find him. I ended up doing an interview with him on the spot. Of course I wasn't really prepared, but its not like this is going into my research anyways. Next my translator got me interviews with the leading actress and actor. The actress was a bit of a primadonna, but I think I would be too after shooting in the hot Indian sun for so long. The actor, Akosh, was great. This is his first breakout film. We even got a picture with him! I played it cool, but after we walked away I got all school-girl giddy. Not because he was so dreamy or anything of that sort, but because no way would I ever have gotten to do something like this in America. After my short impromptu interviews we stayed on set and watched some of the filming. It was really amazing.

1 comment:

  1. can i get your autograph when you come back? he he. That is so stinkin cool. the pictures of the guy movie star make me laugh. it makes me want to go watch a bollywood movie.
